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Parish/Pastoral Council
Some parishes have a separate Pastoral Council (future planning) and a separate Parish Council (current operations). Because of our size, we have combined both into a Parish/Pastoral Council comprised of persons from both OLL and SJM. With the direction of the Pastor, the Council:
• Determines Parish priorities and plans with vision for the future.
• Coordinates current programs and activities of the Parish.
• Seeks to involve as many people as possible in the work of the Parish.
• Seeks to enable as many people as possible to contribute to the process of decision-making in
the Parish.
• Cooperates with and contributes to the Diocese and other parishes under the Diocese’s guidance.
Meetings of the Council are generally on the 4th Wednesday of each month, but occasionally on the 5th Wednesday, from 7:15 PM to 8:30 PM, in the Parish Hall. Any interested parishioner is welcome to attend.
Finance Council
The Finance Council is comprised of persons from both OLL and SJM. With the direction of the Pastor, the Finance Council assists the Pastor in the administration of the Parish temporal matters, budgeting, planning, general financial supervision, and certain personnel matters. The Council also educates the Parish about financial priorities and needs (particularly capital needs), and stimulates greater financial responsibility by parishioners. Meetings are held quarterly.
Liturgy Planning Committee
During Advent and Lent, the Pastor, Deacon, and all the leaders of the different liturgical ministries meet together to review the specific liturgical needs for Christmas, Holy Week and Easter, and to coordinate the different responsibilities.
Safe Environment
Our Pastor and Parish are concerned that all places and activities of the Parish are safe for children, youth, and disabled or elderly adults. We follow the Safe Environment Program of the Diocese of Fresno. All clergy, employees, and volunteers receive the Diocese’s “Code of Conduct” in writing which specifies ethical obligations and behavior standards, and each must agree in writing to follow these standards. Furthermore, those who work with or interact with children, youth, and disabled or elderly adults are required to undergo a background evaluation and participate in the safe environment training program of the Diocese. More information from the Fresno Diocese can be found here.
St Joseph Mission Ladies’ Altar Society
The Ladies’ Altar Society is active at St. Joseph Mission. Meetings are held the second Thursday of every month.
Food Bank
The Parish Food Bank provide groceries for those hungry and in need. Sometimes they also provide other aid to those in need, or make referrals to those who can assist. Food Bank services are THURSDAYS from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Use the south entrance of the OLL Hall (around the South side, near the trash containers) to access the Food Bank.. Donations of money may be made by using the red and white "Food Bank" envelopes in the church. Checks must be made payable to "Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church" and put "Food Bank" in the memo. Donations of food items are always needed and may be placed in the large black plastic container just inside the front door of the OLL Church, or dropped off at the south entrance of the OLL Hall on Thursdays at 9:30 AM. Please, no baby food donations as the Food Bank does not get requests for baby food. VOLUNTEERS TO ASSIST WITH THE FOOD BANK ARE NEEDED!
Book Exchange
At the entrance to OLL Church are used by good Catholic books for anyone to take what you would like to read, and a box for you to contribute good Catholic books for others to read. Books are free.
Outside Programs
These are not directly sponsored by the Parish but rather are formed and/or run by parishioners and others.
Knights of Columbus, Council 6705
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s service organization, with local Council #6705 here at the parish. More information on the Knights may be found online. Meetings are on the first Wednesdays of each month, at 7:00 PM at the OLL Hall.
“Friends of Our Lady of Lourds,” sponsored by the Knights, runs the bingo at the parish on Thursdays starting at 5:30 PM at the OLL Hall.
Pilgrim Virgin Statute
Spend a week with the Pilgrim Virgin statute in your home. Sign up at the back of the church (in front of the Cry Room). Take home the statute after Mass and return with it the following Sunday by 9:45 AM, to process outside and into the church at 10:00 AM at the beginning of the Parish Rosary.