Sunday's Lectionary Readings, with background commentary may be found at
For information generally about the sacraments, see What Are Sacraments?
Schedule of Sunday Holy Mass
OLL Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 PM English
SJM Sunday Mass 8:15 AM English
OLL Sunday Mass 10:30 AM English
OLL Sunday Mass 12:00 PM Spanish
(Holy Days of Obligation are scheduled according to the particular Day. See the Calendar link for updates.)
Schedule of Weekday Holy Mass
(or Communion Service*)
OLL Tuesday 5:30 PM English
OLL Wednesday 9:00 AM English
OLL Thursday 5:30 PM English
OLL Friday 7:45 AM English
OLL First Saturday 9:00 AM English
* See Note below regarding Communion Services.
Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation)
OLL Saturdays 3:00-4:10 PM English and Spanish (or by appointment)
SJM Third Sunday 7:30 AM (Before Mass) English and Spanish
(Occasionally date needs to be changed; check the Calendar.)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions, & Benediction
OLL Third Thursday 6:00-7:00 PM
(Occasionally date needs to be changed; check the Calendar.)
When you are traveling, don't forget Mass!
will locate nearby Mass, Confessions and Adoration times for you:.
Please Note Regarding Mass or Communion Service
Occasionally our Pastor, Fr. Kris Sorenson, has diocesan or other commitments and cannot be available for a regularly scheduled weekday Mass, so a lay-led Communion Service is held instead. The Calendar on this website is updated to show any anticipated Communion Services.